SDG Challenge 2019: Innovative solutions to support accessibility for Persons with Disabilities Calls for Apllication

SDG Challenge 2019: Innovative solutions to support accessibility for Persons with Disabilities is co-organised by the National Start-up Support Center (NSSC) and UNDP in Vietnam. It aims at finding and incubating impact start-ups which provide innovative solutions to support accessibility for Persons with Disabilities, and further advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Requirements: Startups/Organizations/Group of Entrepreneurs who join the competition will submit
- 1 pitch deck with maximum of 15 slides (or less – not more) + Front cover. Any appendices must be included within the 15 slides. (The 15 slides exclude the Front Cover).
- 1 video in a maximum of 3 minutes to introduce about projects/product/solutions. Video can be presented in a creative way to attractions interest of the public. The digital format of the video is avi, wmv, mp4, flv or mov, in such a way that in no case does it require other storage devices or the Internet. Videos must be put the hashtag and shared on social media to gain attention from the community.
- Related materials (if any) to illustrate ability, vision and mission in innovative integration (This will be a plus)
All team entries, interviews, and materials for the Innovation Competition could be present in Vietnamese or English.
- Deadline to submit application: 30/07/2019
- Contact Email:
UNDP Vietnam